User Account Management Guide

Preface & Index

This guide assumes a local installation of a Naggregator installation - please modify the stated URLs according to your Naggregator installation (http://yourhost/nag-web-jsp/* instead of http://localhost/nag-web-jsp/*).

  1. Account Registration
  2. Account Configuration
  3. Accounting History

Account Registration

The registration of a user account is done using the web frontend. Open the account registration form which is also linked from the login page.

The registration form requests a user name which will be unique on the Naggregator instance. Next to a password you have to provide a mail address (which you have access to) and your contact data. Finalize the registration by clicking on 'Register User'.

Depending on the Naggregator configuration, the user registration might require an administrative approval - if the administrator rejects the registration, you will be notified by mail. If the administrator grants the registration or when such an approval is not required, you will receive a registration confirmation mail. The confirmation mail contains a link (which is valid for 48h) that has to be opened to activate the new user account.

Account Configuration

Using the Account Management you can edit the given user account address data and alter your password. You can use this form to keep your user account details up to date.

Accounting History

Every user that registers at a Naggregator instance can register projects and join other projects. Whenever a project is registered or upgraded, the internal 'Accounting and Control' module creates an order that reflects the resources that have been assigned to said project. Depending on the Naggregator instance type, those orders can be subject to monetary commitments.

You can inspect all orders using the Accounting History Page.