Naggregator w/ HSQLDB Binding


The HSQLDB-bound Naggregator instance can be downloaded from the download section of the page.

Setup steps

In the default configuration the provided EAR file is configured for the sake of an easy installation, as the database backend is setup and handled internally - so the provided EAR is deployment-ready for demonstration and test purposes.

The drawback of the default configuration is that it doesn`t provide a persistent database - all changes will be undone on the next deployment or JBoss restart. Furthermore, the EAR file does not contain a mail account configuration which is needed for the registration of new users. Make sure to configure the mail settings before using the HSQLDB-bound Naggregator as a real service.

Please note, that the HSQLDB backend is intended for testing and demonstration purposes only. The project won`t provide any database upgrade scripts for newer versions so if you chose to use a persistent HSQLDB backend you will have to upgrade the database manually on newer versions. If you still want to use a persistent HSQLDB backend, have a look at the Persistent HSQLDB Backend Guide


Copy the downloaded EAR file into your JBoss server instance deployment directory (e.g. $JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy). Open your browser and have a look at (assuming a local JBoss installation) http://localhost:8080/nag-web-jsp/user/entry/welcome.

The following user accounts are preconfigured:

test_usertest_usera project user, can register projects, can inspect the received tickets etc.
adminadmina general administration account