Widget Collection 1.4.0 API

org.tastybug.bugwerk.bugtrail.widget.composition The Inspector is a pane that uses TicketQueueStatisticsTable, TicketQueueTable and TicketDisplayTabPane and thus models a ticket queue viewer.
org.tastybug.bugwerk.bugtrail.widget.incident Contains a table that acts as an incident viewer (IncidentTable).
org.tastybug.bugwerk.bugtrail.widget.queue Contains a table that acts as a ticket viewer (TicketQueueTable) and a table that summarizes the content of the queue, counting all tickets and reported tickets (TicketQueueStatisticsTable).
org.tastybug.bugwerk.bugtrail.widget.ticket Contains widgets for the presentation of Tickets, namely a JTabbedPane (TicketDisplayTabPane) and a table (TicketTable).
org.tastybug.bugwerk.bugtrail.widget.util Utility code package.


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