Configuration of BugTrap-NagWS

The following configuration properties are expected:

factorymandatorypackage.classThe worker factory, should be org.tastybug.bugwerk.bugtrap.worker.nagws.NaggregatorWSWorkerFactory
urloptional, defaults to wsdl-urlURLSets the webservice address. If no address is given, the address stated in the WSDL, which points to the Public Naggregator Service, is used.
autoconnectoptional, defaults to falsetrue,falseWhen set to true, the plugin automatically connects to the specified service whenever something is added to, removed from or modified in the connected ticketqueue AND when buffersize is reached. When set to false, you have to trigger the distribution manually.
buffersizeoptional, defaults to 1intThe minimum number of unreported tickets (with at least minincidents incidents) that have to reside in the ticket queue before the plugin autoconnects to the service.
minincidentsoptional, defaults to 1intThe minimum number of incidents in a ticket before it will be autoreported. This property is not considered whenever you manually trigger the distribution: triggering the distribution manually results in the reporting of all yet unreported tickets.

Following an example configuration for a project named myProject that binds the BugTrap-NagWS plugin. The following behaviour is requested: the plugin shall listen for events from the ticket queue and start to auto distribute the incident reports whenever at least 5 yet unreported reportable tickets are present within the queue. An unreported ticket with at least 2 incidents is considered to be reportable.



The project name that is to be specified for BugTrap-Base is case sensitive and has to match the project name used for the project registration at the Naggregator instance.