Accounting & Control Administration Guide


A user in role 'Accounting Admin' can inspect the payment account behind every registered user (including orders of the users), registers incoming monetary transactions into the account and manages the available products.

On Naggregator instances that treat OSS projects differently, the Accounting Admin grants extended OSS resource orders.

All functionality is available using the web frontend: http://host.example/nag-web-jsp/accountingAdmin/management/overview.

Accounting Management Page

The Accounting Management Page offers all functionality regarding the administration role. The page gives access to all user payment accounts, extended OSS project orders (depending on configuration) and the catalog of products that is offered to all Project Maintainers.

OSS Project treatment order requests

This page section lists orders that relate to OSS projects that have been registered recently. The Admin can inspect the registered project and finally choose to grant or deny the requested resources.

User Transaction Management

The User Transaction Management is used to check in monetary transaction. Those transactions get cleared internally and are finally used to settle orders that have been initiated by the user.

Using the Transaction Management the Admin can get a full history of orders and transaction that are associated with a certain user account.

Product Catalog

The Product Catalog bundles the different products that feature Resource Profiles which have been created by a Project Admin before. Every Product has a couple of base properties which can be inspected using this page section:

Product IdentifierThe internal identifier of the product.
Product GroupThe Product Group indicates the type of payload the product carries: Quotation, Notification or Synchronization.
Base Interval LengthThe minimal order timeframe (usually 180 days; 6 months of 30 days); this number must be a multiple of 30 OR -1. Setting the base interval to -1 indicates that the featured resources will never run out.
Monthly PriceThe monthly price of the product. If the price is 0, the featured Resource is immediately activated upon ordering.
Interval PriceThe price of the product over an interval - depends on the monthly price and the Base Interval Length.
BookableIf true, the Product is bookable by a Project Maintainer.
ComparableIf true, the Product is displayed on Project Upgrade Page - independent from the question whether the product is bookable.
PayloadDisplays a link to the features Resource Profile. This Resource Profile will be applied to a project when the product is ordered and payed.

Using the Accounting Management Page you can create new product that feature new and old Resource Profiles. Creating a product is a 2 step process that includes a drafting phase in which you can freely change the properties of the product - as soon as the product is entered, the properties cannot be altered as this might influence orders.